Strengthen Your Body.
Sharpen Your Mind.

Come see why Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is one of the most fun and practical ways to defend yourself, no matter your size or strength level.

Can you relate?

  • You feel out of shape and/or bored with the gym scene.

  • You’re unsure of yourself, especially when it comes to conflict.

  • You have a lack of energy most days.

  • You seek a new challenge to overcome.

  • You feel stressed out all the time.

  • You want to train somewhere that will push you to be the best you know you can be.

If so, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training can help you!

“I've been training at PMA Merrimack since 2013, and yet every class has something new to offer. Sensei Chris has fostered a welcoming yet challenging environment, where training at PMA feels like being part of a second family. Not only is Jiu Jitsu a lot of fun and a great workout; it's also a very effective art for self defense and a rewarding competitive sport as well.”

— Logan, Merrimack NH


What can Brazilian Jiu Jitsu do for you?

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a style of grappling (or ground-fighting) where 2 opponents attempt to submit one another through various chokes, locks and other techniques. Many of the techniques you’ll learn involve body mechanics and leverage, making it possible for smaller people to gain the advantage over bigger, stronger ones. It’s an absolute game-changer in any fight that goes to the ground but is equally a fun, rewarding pursuit for anyone looking for a challenge or trying to get in shape.


Grow Stronger Every Class

BJJ increases your strength, power, agility and flexibility; forging a capable body that looks and feels fantastic! There’s just something about grappling with another fighting opponent that trains your body in ways superior to a typical gym routine.

Best part is, you don't have to be young to reap the benefits! Just ask Touro Moreno, who received his BJJ black belt at age 82.


Protect Yourself and Loved Ones

Jiu Jitsu hones your fighting instincts through drills and live sparring (or rolling) to train your response time to near-automatic. If you've ever been in a fight before then you know how fast things can escalate, and that your reactions while under pressure are what will keep you safe. BJJ will give you the confidence of knowing you can take care of yourself and others if you need to.


Test Your Noodle

Nothing puts your critical thinking skills to the test quite like BJJ. You have to make snap decisions about what’s going on and what to do next, all while trying to avoid being submitted. What’s more is there is almost always a way to gain the upper hand no matter what position you’re currently in. In fact, as you progress you’ll find yourself planning moves ahead of time — a reason many people compare advanced BJJ with chess.


Make New Friends

Want to meet new people? There's nothing like rolling around with someone to really break the ice! All types of people train Jiu Jitsu - from students and moms, to lawyers and plumbers. You might just meet your new BFF at BJJ!


Our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Instructors


Chris Shelton

Owner and Operator of PMA Merrimack, Chris has been teaching martial arts for over 17 years, and is a 4th black belt in Karate and Purple belt in BJJ. He’s quite tall. When he’s not instructing, Chris enjoys woodworking and plays a mean bass (the instrument, not the fish).


Shawn Pacheco

A former professional MMA fighter, Shawn has been teaching for over 12 years, and is a BJJ black belt. He’s quite good at choking folks. When he’s not submitting people, Shawn runs a successful photography and videography studio and enjoys mountain biking in his downtime.



What should I bring to my first class?

An open mind and something to drink. Actually, water is provided… so just the open mind.

Is it safe to train with Covid-19 going around?

We’ve always taken cleanliness very seriously. We clean our mats and equipment after every class and advocate using personal safety equipment like rashguards, mouthguards, cups etc. That being said, we’re also doing the following to combat Covid-19:

  • Keeping class sizes small

  • Prohibiting symptomatic students from attending class

  • sanitizing all surface areas and equipment after every use

  • using remote viewing so parent can watch classes without having to be physically present

  • spacing each class by 30 min so students can minimize exposure from other class participants

Am I too old / too young / too small / too big?

Nope! We’ve had people of all ages, shapes and sizes train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu successfully with us. In fact, the diversity of trainees is one of the things that makes BJJ so effective. It’s a martial art that very much centers on skill and technique, rather than raw strength or power. It’s just as common to see smaller/older students submit bigger/younger ones, than it is the other way around.

I have an existing injury. Can I train around it?

Training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can be safer than most martial arts or strength training in general. Especially in the beginning we recommend you “Tap Early, Tap Often”, meaning until you really understand the skills and techniques you should avoid going too hard with your training partner. Not only does this help keep you injury-free, but can also avoid aggravating old injuries. All that aside, we can’t know everyone’s individual circumstances, and highly recommend training with us for a free class to see if it’s right for you.

Ready to Start?

We’re excited for you to join us at PMA Merrimack!

Please fill out the form below and we’ll follow up to schedule your free class! See you soon!